Traditional radio advertising can serve as a highly effective advertising medium, especially for smaller local businesses. You receive high exposure for lower costs than you would a TV commercial and there is a certain amount of control over which audience hears your ads based on likely preferences to music genres or talk radio shows. However, the age of traditional radio seems to be coming to an end as more and more people move to internet radio, where they have higher control over what they listen to– including the ads.
In 2014 over one third of America was streaming their music from their phones rather than tuning in to a traditional radio station. The movement towards internet radio may seem like a limitation to your advertising abilities, but let me tell you why you should embrace the internet radio phenomena. Let’s focus on Pandora radio (because we Idyllwilders love Pandora Radio).
Internet Radio | Pandora
This app is the #1 downloaded music streaming app for both Apple and Droid. It doesn’t just rank among music apps alone — it is in the top 15 most downloaded apps for iOS products and among 4th highest downloaded app for Droid. This is great news for you as the advertiser because Pandora radio advertising offers a very exclusive, very uncluttered radio advertising experience to its advertisers and listeners.
Exclusivity in ads
Traditional radio plays 10 –18 minutes of commercials per hour. Television averages 18-22 minutes per hour. Frankly, a typical person doesn’t have the capacity or interest in soaking in that much advertising. Pandora, however, only plays 3 minutes per hour. This allows for a much higher reception rate from listeners. On top of this, with Pandora, you not only get the audio commercial but you also get a brilliant on screen companion ad. You’re getting the best of both worlds — audio and a visual aid.
Because it’s an app you can reach listeners wherever they are on any device. Another fantastic benefit to Pandora Radio Advertising is that you can target the exact listener you want. Users must enter their age, gender and zip code to register. Traditional radio cannot do that.
There are many benefits to embracing the land of internet radio over traditional radio advertising. There are also other options out there aside from Pandora, but Idyllwild believes Pandora is the best of the best. If you ever have questions about radio advertising, feel free to drop in or give us a call. We love when people voluntarily ask us to geek out over things like this.
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